Red Hat Linux 7.1: The Official Red Hat Linux Getting Started Guide |
Chapter 10. Shell Prompt Basics |
Once you start looking through directories, it's easy to get lost, or forget the name of your current directory. Bash, the shell for your Linux system shows, by default, just your current directory, not the entire path.
To determine the exact location of your current directory within the filesystem, go to a shell prommt and type the following command:
You should see something like:
This is telling you that you are in the /newuser directory, which is in your /home directory.
The command pwd stands for print working directory. When you typed pwd, you were asking your Linux system, "Where am I?" Your system responded by printing the directory you're in on the monitor, also known as the standard output.
You'll be using pwd often as you look around. Even Linux experts depend on this command. International Sites :
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